'use strict';
const fsExtra = require('fs-extra'),
prometheus = require('prom-client'),
properLockFile = require('proper-lockfile'),
pathModule = require('path'),
helpers = require('../util/helpers.js'),
errors = require('../util/errors.js');
* An abstraction for loading imposters from the filesystem
* The root of the database is provided on the command line as --datadir
* The file layout looks like this:
* /{datadir}
* /3000
* /imposter.json
* {
* "protocol": "http",
* "port": 3000,
* "stubs: [{
* "predicates": [{ "equals": { "path": "/" } }],
* "meta": {
* "dir": "stubs/{epoch-pid-counter}"
* }
* }]
* }
* /stubs
* /{epoch-pid-counter}
* /meta.json
* {
* "responseFiles": ["responses/{epoch-pid-counter}.json"],
* // An array of indexes into responseFiles which handle repeat behavior
* "orderWithRepeats": [0],
* // The next index into orderWithRepeats; incremented with each call to nextResponse()
* "nextIndex": 0
* }
* /responses
* /{epoch-pid-counter}.json
* {
* "is": { "body": "Hello, world!" }
* }
* /matches
* /{epoch-pid-counter}.json
* { ... }
* /requests
* /{epoch-pid-counter}.json
* { ... }
* This structure is designed to minimize the amount of file locking and to maximize parallelism and throughput.
* The imposters.json file needs to be locked during imposter-level activities (e.g. adding a stub).
* Readers do not lock; they just get the data at the time they read it. Since this file doesn't
* contain transient state, there's no harm from a stale read. Writes (which happen for
* stub changing operations, either for proxy response recording or stub API calls) grab a file lock
* for both the read and the write. Writes to this file should be infrequent, except perhaps during
* proxy recording. Newly added stubs may change the index of existing stubs in the stubs array, but
* will never change the stub meta.dir, so it is always safe to hang on to it for subsequent operations.
* The stub meta.json needs to be locked to add responses or trigger the next response, but is
* separated from the imposter.json so we can have responses from multiple stubs in parallel with no
* lock conflict. Again, readers (e.g. to generate imposter JSON) do not need a lock because the responseFiles
* array is mostly read-only, and even when it's not (adding responses during proxyAlways recording), there's
* no harm from a stale read. Writers (usually generating the next response for a stub) grab a lock for the
* read and the write. This should be the most common write across files, which is why the meta.json file
* is small.
* In both cases where a file needs to be locked, an exponential backoff retry strategy is used. Inconsistent
* reads of partially written files (which can happen by default with the system calls - fs.writeFile is not
* atomic) are avoided by writing first to a temp file (during which time reads can happen to the original file)
* and then renaming to the original file.
* New directories and filenames use a timestamp-based filename to allow creating them without synchronizing
* with a read. Since multiple files (esp. requests) can be added during the same millisecond, a pid and counter
* is tacked on to the filename to improve uniqueness. It doesn't provide the * ironclad guarantee a GUID
* does -- two different processes on two different machines could in theory have the same pid and create files
* during the same timestamp with the same counter, but the odds of that happening * are so small that it's not
* worth giving up the easy time-based sortability based on filenames alone.
* Keeping all imposter information under a directory (instead of having metadata outside the directory)
* allows us to remove the imposter by simply removing the directory.
* There are some extra checks on filesystem operations (atomicWriteFile) due to antivirus software, solar flares,
* gremlins, etc. graceful-fs solves some of these, but apparently not all.
* @module
metrics = {
lockAcquireDuration: new prometheus.Histogram({
name: 'mb_lock_acquire_duration_seconds',
help: 'Time it takes to acquire a file lock',
buckets: [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10, 30],
labelNames: ['caller']
lockHoldDuration: new prometheus.Histogram({
name: 'mb_lock_hold_duration_seconds',
help: 'Time a file lock is held',
buckets: [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2],
labelNames: ['caller']
lockErrors: new prometheus.Counter({
name: 'mb_lock_errors_total',
help: 'Number of lock errors',
labelNames: ['caller', 'code']
* Creates the repository
* @param {Object} config - The database configuration
* @param {String} config.datadir - The database directory
* @param {Object} logger - The logger
* @returns {Object}
function create (config, logger) {
const imposterFns = {};
let counter = 0,
locks = 0;
async function ensureDir (filepath) {
const dir = pathModule.dirname(filepath);
await fsExtra.ensureDir(dir);
async function ensureFile (filepath) {
fsExtra.close(await fsExtra.open(filepath, 'as'));
async function writeFile (filepath, obj) {
await ensureDir(filepath);
await ensureFile(filepath);
await fsExtra.writeFile(filepath, JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2), {
flag: 'rs+'
function tryParse (maybeJSON, filepath) {
try {
return JSON.parse(maybeJSON);
catch (parseErr) {
logger.error(`Corrupted database: invalid JSON for ${filepath}`);
throw errors.DatabaseError(`invalid JSON in ${filepath}`, { details: parseErr.message });
async function readFile (filepath, defaultContents) {
try {
const data = await fsExtra.readFile(filepath, 'utf8');
return tryParse(data, filepath);
catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
if (typeof defaultContents === 'undefined') {
logger.error(`Corrupted database: missing file ${filepath}`);
throw errors.DatabaseError('file not found', { details: err.message });
else {
return defaultContents;
else {
throw err;
function delay (duration) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, duration);
async function atomicWriteFile (filepath, obj, attempts = 1) {
const tmpfile = filepath + '.tmp';
try {
await writeFile(tmpfile, obj);
await fsExtra.rename(tmpfile, filepath);
catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT' && attempts < 15) {
logger.debug(`Attempt ${attempts} failed with ENOENT error on atomic write of ${filepath}. Retrying...`);
await delay(10);
await atomicWriteFile(filepath, obj, attempts + 1);
else {
throw err;
async function lockFile (filepath) {
const options = {
realpath: false,
retries: {
retries: 20,
minTimeout: 10,
maxTimeout: 5000,
randomize: true,
factor: 1.5
stale: 30000
// with realpath = false, the file doesn't have to exist, but the directory does
await ensureDir(filepath);
return properLockFile.lock(filepath, options);
async function readAndWriteFile (filepath, caller, transformer, defaultContents) {
const currentLockId = locks,
observeLockAcquireDuration = metrics.lockAcquireDuration.startTimer({ caller });
locks += 1;
try {
const release = await lockFile(filepath),
acquireLockSeconds = observeLockAcquireDuration(),
observeLockHoldDuration = metrics.lockHoldDuration.startTimer({ caller });
logger.debug(`Acquired file lock on ${filepath} for ${caller}-${currentLockId} after ${acquireLockSeconds}s`);
const original = await readFile(filepath, defaultContents),
transformed = await transformer(original);
await atomicWriteFile(filepath, transformed);
await release();
const lockHeld = observeLockHoldDuration();
logger.debug(`Released file lock on ${filepath} for ${caller}-${currentLockId} after ${lockHeld}s`);
catch (err) {
// Ignore lock already released errors
if (err.code !== 'ERELEASED') {
metrics.lockErrors.inc({ caller, code: err.code });
properLockFile.unlock(filepath, { realpath: false }).catch(() => { /* ignore */ });
throw err;
async function remove (path) {
await fsExtra.remove(path);
function filenameFor (timestamp) {
const epoch = timestamp.valueOf();
counter += 1;
return `${epoch}-${process.pid}-${counter}`;
function partsFrom (filename) {
// format {epoch}-{pid}-{counter}
const pattern = /^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\.json$/,
parts = pattern.exec(filename);
return {
epoch: Number(parts[1]),
pid: Number(parts[2]),
counter: Number(parts[3])
function timeSorter (first, second) {
// format {epoch}-{pid}-{counter}
// sort by epoch first, then pid, then counter to guarantee determinism for
// files added during the same millisecond.
const firstParts = partsFrom(first),
secondParts = partsFrom(second);
let result = firstParts.epoch - secondParts.epoch;
if (result === 0) {
result = firstParts.pid - secondParts.pid;
if (result === 0) {
result = firstParts.counter - secondParts.counter;
return result;
function readdir (path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fsExtra.readdir(path, (err, files) => {
if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
// Nothing saved yet
else if (err) {
else {
async function loadAllInDir (path) {
const files = await readdir(path),
reads = files
.filter(file => file.indexOf('.json') > 0)
.map(file => readFile(`${path}/${file}`));
return Promise.all(reads);
function repeatsFor (response) {
return response.repeat || 1;
async function saveStubMetaAndResponses (stub, baseDir) {
const stubDefinition = {
meta: { dir: `stubs/${filenameFor(new Date())}` }
meta = {
responseFiles: [],
orderWithRepeats: [],
nextIndex: 0
responses = stub.responses || [],
writes = [];
if (stub.predicates) {
stubDefinition.predicates = stub.predicates;
for (let i = 0; i < responses.length; i += 1) {
const responseFile = `responses/${filenameFor(new Date())}.json`;
for (let repeats = 0; repeats < repeatsFor(responses[i]); repeats += 1) {
writes.push(writeFile(`${baseDir}/${stubDefinition.meta.dir}/${responseFile}`, responses[i]));
writes.push(writeFile(`${baseDir}/${stubDefinition.meta.dir}/meta.json`, meta));
await Promise.all(writes);
return stubDefinition;
function stubRepository (baseDir) {
const imposterFile = `${baseDir}/imposter.json`;
function metaPath (stubDir) {
return `${baseDir}/${stubDir}/meta.json`;
function responsePath (stubDir, responseFile) {
return `${baseDir}/${stubDir}/${responseFile}`;
function requestPath (request) {
return `${baseDir}/requests/${filenameFor(Date.parse(request.timestamp))}.json`;
function matchPath (stubDir, match) {
return `${baseDir}/${stubDir}/matches/${filenameFor(Date.parse(match.timestamp))}.json`;
function readHeader () {
return readFile(imposterFile, { stubs: [] });
function readAndWriteHeader (caller, transformer) {
return readAndWriteFile(imposterFile, caller, transformer, { stubs: [] });
function wrap (stub) {
const cloned = helpers.clone(stub || {}),
stubDir = stub ? stub.meta.dir : '';
if (typeof stub === 'undefined') {
return {
addResponse: () => Promise.resolve(),
nextResponse: () => Promise.resolve({
is: {},
stubIndex: () => Promise.resolve(0)
recordMatch: () => Promise.resolve()
delete cloned.meta;
* Adds a response to the stub
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} response - the new response
* @returns {Object} - the promise
cloned.addResponse = async response => {
let responseFile;
await readAndWriteFile(metaPath(stubDir), 'addResponse', async meta => {
const responseIndex = meta.responseFiles.length;
responseFile = `responses/${filenameFor(new Date())}.json`;
for (let repeats = 0; repeats < repeatsFor(response); repeats += 1) {
await writeFile(responsePath(stubDir, responseFile), response);
return meta;
async function stubIndex () {
const header = await readHeader();
for (let i = 0; i < header.stubs.length; i += 1) {
if (header.stubs[i].meta.dir === stubDir) {
return i;
return 0;
function createResponse (responseConfig) {
const result = helpers.clone(responseConfig || { is: {} });
result.stubIndex = stubIndex;
return result;
* Returns the next response for the stub, taking into consideration repeat behavior and cycling back the beginning
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @returns {Object} - the promise
cloned.nextResponse = async () => {
let responseFile;
await readAndWriteFile(metaPath(stubDir), 'nextResponse', async meta => {
const maxIndex = meta.orderWithRepeats.length,
responseIndex = meta.orderWithRepeats[meta.nextIndex % maxIndex];
responseFile = meta.responseFiles[responseIndex];
meta.nextIndex = (meta.nextIndex + 1) % maxIndex;
return meta;
// No need to read the response file while the lock is held
const responseConfig = await readFile(responsePath(stubDir, responseFile));
return createResponse(responseConfig);
* Records a match for debugging purposes
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} request - the request
* @param {Object} response - the response
* @param {Object} responseConfig - the config that generated the response
* @param {Number} processingTime - the time to match the predicate and generate the full response
* @returns {Object} - the promise
cloned.recordMatch = async (request, response, responseConfig, processingTime) => {
const match = {
timestamp: new Date().toJSON(),
await writeFile(matchPath(stubDir, match), match);
return cloned;
* Returns the number of stubs for the imposter
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function count () {
const imposter = await readHeader();
return imposter.stubs.length;
* Returns the first stub whose predicates matches the filter
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Function} filter - the filter function
* @param {Number} startIndex - the index to to start searching
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function first (filter, startIndex = 0) {
const header = await readHeader();
for (let i = startIndex; i < header.stubs.length; i += 1) {
if (filter(header.stubs[i].predicates || [])) {
return { success: true, stub: wrap(header.stubs[i]) };
return { success: false, stub: wrap() };
* Adds a new stub to imposter
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} stub - the stub to add
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function add (stub) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow
const stubDefinition = await saveStubMetaAndResponses(stub, baseDir);
await readAndWriteHeader('addStub', async header => {
return header;
* Inserts a new stub at the given index
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} stub - the stub to add
* @param {Number} index - the index to insert the new stub at
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function insertAtIndex (stub, index) {
const stubDefinition = await saveStubMetaAndResponses(stub, baseDir);
await readAndWriteHeader('insertStubAtIndex', async header => {
header.stubs.splice(index, 0, stubDefinition);
return header;
* Deletes the stub at the given index
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Number} index - the index of the stub to delete
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function deleteAtIndex (index) {
let stubDir;
await readAndWriteHeader('deleteStubAtIndex', async header => {
if (typeof header.stubs[index] === 'undefined') {
throw errors.MissingResourceError(`no stub at index ${index}`);
stubDir = header.stubs[index].meta.dir;
header.stubs.splice(index, 1);
return header;
await remove(`${baseDir}/${stubDir}`);
* Overwrites all stubs with a new list
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} newStubs - the new list of stubs
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function overwriteAll (newStubs) {
await readAndWriteHeader('overwriteAllStubs', async header => {
header.stubs = [];
await remove(`${baseDir}/stubs`);
return header;
let addSequence = Promise.resolve();
newStubs.forEach(stub => {
addSequence = addSequence.then(() => add(stub));
await addSequence;
* Overwrites the stub at the given index
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} stub - the new stub
* @param {Number} index - the index of the stub to overwrite
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function overwriteAtIndex (stub, index) {
await deleteAtIndex(index);
await insertAtIndex(stub, index);
async function loadResponses (stub) {
const meta = await readFile(metaPath(stub.meta.dir));
return Promise.all(meta.responseFiles.map(responseFile =>
readFile(responsePath(stub.meta.dir, responseFile))));
async function loadMatches (stub) {
return loadAllInDir(`${baseDir}/${stub.meta.dir}/matches`);
* Returns a JSON-convertible representation
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} options - The formatting options
* @param {Boolean} options.debug - If true, includes debug information
* @returns {Object} - the promise resolving to the JSON object
async function toJSON (options = {}) {
const header = await readHeader(),
responsePromises = header.stubs.map(loadResponses),
stubResponses = await Promise.all(responsePromises),
debugPromises = options.debug ? header.stubs.map(loadMatches) : [],
matches = await Promise.all(debugPromises);
header.stubs.forEach((stub, index) => {
stub.responses = stubResponses[index];
if (options.debug && matches[index].length > 0) {
stub.matches = matches[index];
delete stub.meta;
return header.stubs;
function isRecordedResponse (response) {
return response.is && typeof response.is._proxyResponseTime === 'number';
* Removes the saved proxy responses
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @returns {Object} - Promise
async function deleteSavedProxyResponses () {
const allStubs = await toJSON();
allStubs.forEach(stub => {
stub.responses = stub.responses.filter(response => !isRecordedResponse(response));
const nonProxyStubs = allStubs.filter(stub => stub.responses.length > 0);
return overwriteAll(nonProxyStubs);
* Adds a request for the imposter
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} request - the request
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function addRequest (request) {
const recordedRequest = helpers.clone(request);
recordedRequest.timestamp = new Date().toJSON();
await writeFile(requestPath(recordedRequest), recordedRequest);
* Returns the saved requests for the imposter
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @returns {Object} - the promise resolving to the array of requests
async function loadRequests () {
return loadAllInDir(`${baseDir}/requests`);
* Deletes the requests directory for an imposter
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @returns {Object} - Promise
async function deleteSavedRequests () {
await remove(`${baseDir}/requests`);
return {
function imposterDir (id) {
return `${config.datadir}/${id}`;
function headerFile (id) {
return `${imposterDir(id)}/imposter.json`;
* Returns the stubs repository for the imposter
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Number} id - the id of the imposter
* @returns {Object} - the stubs repository
function stubsFor (id) {
return stubRepository(imposterDir(id));
* Saves a reference to the imposter so that the functions
* (which can't be persisted) can be rehydrated to a loaded imposter.
* This means that any data in the function closures will be held in
* memory.
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} imposter - the imposter
function addReference (imposter) {
const id = String(imposter.port);
imposterFns[id] = {};
Object.keys(imposter).forEach(key => {
if (typeof imposter[key] === 'function') {
imposterFns[id][key] = imposter[key];
function rehydrate (imposter) {
const id = String(imposter.port);
Object.keys(imposterFns[id]).forEach(key => {
imposter[key] = imposterFns[id][key];
* Adds a new imposter
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} imposter - the imposter to add
* @returns {Object} - the promise
async function add (imposter) {
const imposterConfig = imposter.creationRequest,
stubs = imposterConfig.stubs || [],
saveStubs = stubs.map(stub => saveStubMetaAndResponses(stub, imposterDir(imposter.port))),
stubDefinitions = await Promise.all(saveStubs);
delete imposterConfig.requests;
imposterConfig.port = imposter.port;
imposterConfig.stubs = stubDefinitions;
await writeFile(headerFile(imposter.port), imposterConfig);
return imposter;
* Gets the imposter by id
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Number} id - the id of the imposter (e.g. the port)
* @returns {Object} - the promise resolving to the imposter
async function get (id) {
const header = await readFile(headerFile(id), null);
if (header === null) {
return null;
header.stubs = await stubsFor(id).toJSON();
return header;
* Gets all imposters
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @returns {Object} - all imposters keyed by port
async function all () {
return Promise.all(Object.keys(imposterFns).map(get));
* Returns whether an imposter at the given id exists or not
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Number} id - the id (e.g. the port)
* @returns {boolean}
async function exists (id) {
return Object.keys(imposterFns).indexOf(String(id)) >= 0;
async function shutdown (id) {
if (typeof imposterFns[String(id)] === 'undefined') {
const stop = imposterFns[String(id)].stop;
delete imposterFns[String(id)];
if (stop) {
await stop();
* Deletes the imposter at the given id
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Number} id - the id (e.g. the port)
* @returns {Object} - the deletion promise
async function del (id) {
const imposter = await get(id),
cleanup = [shutdown(id)];
if (imposter !== null) {
await Promise.all(cleanup);
return imposter;
* Deletes all imposters; used during testing
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
async function stopAll () {
const promises = Object.keys(imposterFns).map(shutdown);
await Promise.all(promises);
* Deletes all imposters synchronously; used during shutdown
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
function stopAllSync () {
* Deletes all imposters
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @returns {Object} - the deletion promise
async function deleteAll () {
const ids = Object.keys(imposterFns),
dirs = ids.map(imposterDir),
deleteImposter = ids.map(shutdown).concat(dirs.map(remove));
// Remove only the directories for imposters we have a reference to
await Promise.all(deleteImposter);
const entries = await readdir(config.datadir);
if (entries.length === 0) {
await remove(config.datadir);
async function loadImposterFrom (dir, protocols) {
const imposterFilename = `${config.datadir}/${dir}/imposter.json`;
if (!fsExtra.existsSync(imposterFilename)) {
logger.warn(`Skipping ${dir} during loading; missing imposter.json`);
const imposterConfig = JSON.parse(fsExtra.readFileSync(imposterFilename)),
protocol = protocols[imposterConfig.protocol];
if (protocol) {
logger.info(`Loading ${imposterConfig.protocol}:${dir} from datadir`);
const imposter = await protocol.createImposterFrom(imposterConfig);
else {
logger.error(`Cannot load imposter ${dir}; no protocol loaded for ${config.protocol}`);
* Loads all saved imposters at startup
* @memberOf module:models/filesystemBackedImpostersRepository#
* @param {Object} protocols - The protocol map, used to instantiate a new instance
* @returns {Object} - a promise
async function loadAll (protocols) {
if (!config.datadir || !fsExtra.existsSync(config.datadir)) {
const dirs = fsExtra.readdirSync(config.datadir),
promises = dirs.map(async dir => loadImposterFrom(dir, protocols));
await Promise.all(promises);
return {
module.exports = { create };