Source: controllers/configController.js

'use strict';

const helpers = require('../util/helpers');

 * The controller that exposes the mountebank configuration for the running process
 * @module

 * Creates the config controller
 * @param {string} version - The version of the currently running process
 * @param {Object} options - The command line options used to start mb
 * @returns {Object}
function create (version, options) {
    const publicOptions = helpers.clone(options);

    delete publicOptions.version;

    if (!publicOptions.mock) {
        delete publicOptions.mock; // deprecated

    // On some OS's, it duplicates camelCase as hypen-case (e.g. noParse and no-parse)
    // I assume this was a change in yargs at some point
    for (var prop in publicOptions) {
        if (prop.indexOf('-') > 0) {
            delete publicOptions[prop];

     * The method that responds to GET /config
     * @memberOf module:controllers/configController#
     * @param {Object} request - The HTTP request
     * @param {Object} response - The HTTP response
    function get (request, response) {
        const config = {
            options: publicOptions,
            process: {
                nodeVersion: process.version,
                architecture: process.arch,
                platform: process.platform,
                rss: process.memoryUsage().rss,
                heapTotal: process.memoryUsage().heapTotal,
                heapUsed: process.memoryUsage().heapUsed,
                uptime: process.uptime(),
                cwd: process.cwd()

            json: () => response.send(config),
            html: () => response.render('config', config)

    return { get };

module.exports = { create };